"That Damned Wasteland". The name I have now decided on for a long over-do project I've wanted to get on with for... like, ages. Maybe a year or so. God Knows tbh, but hey, I think I may actually start it now :)
I've always wondered what kind of art direction I should go in, and I've looked at other people's drawing styles, and thought to myself "that looks so simple and stylish, I wish I could draw like that!".
I see now that I shouldn't think like that, as everyone has individual styles, and whatever I make will truly reveal my own style. Might not be the best, but I hope it's not the worst. Whatever :P
I'll start off with just posting some random quote from what I guess might be the first strip.
"Ok, let's keep this simple. This is a nice little planet named Earth. Used to be a nice place, but around, oh, let's say 2100, there was a war. Something to do with some evil corporation taking on the rest of the world. Aparently.
Not sure what happened, but lots of things happened, things blew up, people died, yadda yadda, now the Earth isn't so green or pretty anymore. People still live there of course, but it's a hard life. But possibly more exciting than it would have been otherwise. Let's see now..."
If you can't guess from that nugget of textual goodness, it's going to be a laidback comic with some comical stylings. Or that's what I'm aiming for. Might as well call it Indie as well, people like Indie comics, and I want it to be popular among those damned quasi-intellectuals. ;)